This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Urgent Review & Increased Funding of "The 5 Year Forward View for Mental Health"

We urgently need more specialist psychiatric hospitals, walk in clinics, community psychiatrists and nurses.More Day Centres & facilities for people with mental health issues but to get the service back where it should be, we need the funding, and proper funding, to enable this to happen.

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Approx. 15.5M people suffer with a mental health problem in the UK, which is roughly 1 in 4 people. Current plans need reviewing and funding needs injecting urgently. Awareness, Funding & Resources are quickly needed. Waiting times are excessive and lives are being lost as a result of this terrible dilemma we are in.

Mental Health cases have have increased, which in turn has lead to an increase in our already stretched Emergency Services to deal with problems more frequently. LET'S TALK

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

77 signatures

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