This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make pas43 a minimum legal requirement for all breakdown and recovery personnel

After working with various company’s doing roadside breakdowns and recovery, some of which apply pas43. The dangers of this are horrifying. I think it’s about time these guidelines were made legal as a minimum requirement to get rid of the cowboys and to reduce further risk to everyone

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Where some company’s will use pas43 and stick to the guidelines, give staff the required training. There are still company’s out there that will send untrained staff in any vehicle to broken down vehicles which are ill equipped and have no extra reflectors or beacon.
I have also have an email from a parliament case worker stating pas43 is not a legal requirement and is down to the company health and safety to make sure that staff know what they are doing at the roadside. This needs to change!

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

61 signatures

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