This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make chain stores responsible for their plastic packaging, i.e extreme fines

In every shop you visit how many items are packaged in plastic?

We need to make chain companies responsible for their plastic input to our environment.

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If the Goverment fines:
• Super Stores/Markets
• Retail Stores
• Warehouses
• Fast food chains
• Delivery companies
• etc
For the amount of plastic packaging and waste they produce, the UK should see a decline in plastic packaging; in turn this could lessen the companies fines. With the money that it produces this could go towards companies who break down plastics to recycle them, or in to making any plastic waste in to materials to make roads, for example, instead of using asphalt.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

52 signatures

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