This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Force all new build house purchases to have a retainer on purchase agreements.

More new build houses are being built each day. Problems with new builds are soaring and NHBC warranties is not enough to protect buyers. Developers should be force to accept retainer agreements from purchasers to protect them against nightmare builds, retaining part of funds until work is completed

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I am a new build homeowner. 8 months in to date. We have suffered unimaginable losses financially and also mentally due to a nightmare build. We have had drains incorrectly installed, we have a house that does not have building control sign off and we are still no where near getting our house right. I live on a street where 10 other residents also have houses that are not signed off from building control, yet we are living in these houses. The system is very very broken and people are suffering.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

52 signatures

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