This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Require all supermarkets to have an Eco packaging/Local produce/Vegan section
People know of the harm that use of plastic/meat and dairy industry/food flown thousands of miles is having on the planet and are doing all they can, but options are limited and that makes people feel there's not much they can help with. So with this petition we require ALL supermarkets to have:
More details
1.ECO Section: include zero- plastic products - 'naked' veg and fruit; grains, bread, pasta, spices packaged in paper; milk, oils, juices in glass bottles; toiletries - solid shampoos, conditioners, toothpaste, deodorants
2.Local Produce Section: to reduce carbon footprint of our shopping, consumers should be able to easily find products grown locally.
3.Increase vegan produce at least two-fold, stocking a reasonable selection in local stores as well, giving eco friendly options to everyone
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months