This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition End Forced Academisation: Repeal Section 7 (Education and Adoption Act, 2016)

We call on the government to urgently issue an amendment to the Academies Act 2010 as updated by Section 7 from the Education and Adoption Act 2016, to remove the Secretary of State for Education’s power to issue ‘academy orders’ to schools which have been given an ‘inadequate’ Ofsted judgement.

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The John Roan, Greenwich; Littlegreen Special School, Compton and Springfield Primary, Birmingham are facing forced academisation despite widespread opposition.

Academisation has created fragmented provision, reduced accountability and democratic control, and the proliferation of obscene CEO salaries. Concerns about academisation include the exclusion of SEND children and the use of ‘off-rolling’ by MATs who seek to improve their position in the league tables; meaning children could be denied access to education. The law must change.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

1,670 signatures

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