This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Make it a criminal offence to send horses to slaughter.
I have volunteered at local riding schools for a number of years. Horses can be there as a companion for people who feel lonely. They can even be used to help restore confidence for disabled. Horses have been a vital part of our community’s and don’t deserve slaughter.
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Through this I have seen how therapeutic horses can be to people. Horses can help reduce stress levels and anxiety. The Riding for disabled (RDA) have used horses to help the disabled find something they can be good at so they don’t feel isolated. Horses were there for soldiers through the war and charged into battle bravely to save their rider and how do we repay them? We send them to slaughter. Thousands of horses are killed each year in UK slaughterhouses.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months