This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make referendums binding on Parliament and Government

Given the mess that has occurred following the non-binding EU Referendum, some politicians have sought to frustrate the will of the people. Therefore we call upon Parliament to make all future referendums (with the exception of a 2nd EU referendum) fully binding upon Government and Parliament.

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Referendums should be binding if and only if one particular option receives 60% of the total vote of those eligible to vote as follows. Such referendums to provide all options to be considered and to include: all UK Citizens aged 16 and over; all UK Citizens aged 16+ living and or working in the UK Overseas Territories who so register to vote in such referendum; and all Non-Citizens‘ Legally Resident’ aged 16+ working and paying tax in the UK, who register to vote in such referendum.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

66 signatures

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