This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Let us vote on petitions

Petitions with 200k signatures should be put to a public vote.
It is unjust & Unfair that Parliament make all the decisions & decide what issues we can/can't vote on, people should make policy, not just parliament, we need more democracy not less!

Join the campaign @ Let Us Vote on Fb & Twitter

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Our proposal: Applicable petitions would be voted on alongside general elections, if they passed the 200k threshold.

This would give people the power to bring change, It would get people involved, giving us the power to shape Government policy, with a new era of British democracy, where anyone can force change.

It would also stop the discontent for petitions we see now & allow the UK to join the list, of many countries where petitions can force a vote.

Join the campaign. Demand Democracy!

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

56 signatures

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