This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make elder abuse a specific criminal offence

Our elderly are being financially, emotional and sexually abused. Abusers can even be family members. Our elderly have little protection when its needed. Abusers are very rarely prosecuted and roughly 0.3% proceed to court.

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My elderly vulnerable loved one now suffers major psychological problems due to the abuse she has endured, which in turn, has resulted in not being able to prosecute the offender(s). We both think a tighter law could act as a deterrent. Trusting family above and beyond, but even loved ones can abuse their position of trust. Abusers know there is little chance of prosecution, and unfortunately this type of crime is disturbingly common. Our elderly need a shield.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

73 signatures

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