This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Allow school absences due to diagnosed mental health issues to be ‘authorised’

Increase awareness and acceptance of the mental health issues our young children and teenagers grow up with to ensure that absences due to these issues are authorised. The education system should recognise diagnosed mental health issues as an “authorised” reason to be absent from school.

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As a mother to a 5yr old suffering with severe ongoing mental health issues, autism & health conditions , I am constantly having to fight for her mental health issues to be recognised as a more than valid reason to remain at home for the day. We struggle some days to get off the sofa, talk, sleep & eat. When reporting absence to the school we are questioned whether there is sickness & as there is not absence is still reported as ‘unauthorised’ despite multiple diagnosis from professionals.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

501 signatures

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