This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Revoke the effective ban on Onshore Wind Turbines
The U.K. has en ecological debt day of the 30th April: the day on which the entire sustainable limit of resources for an entire year have been consumed. The current planning constraints on wind turbines prevent renewable power generation that could greatly contribute to increasing our sustainability
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Although intermittent, wind power could contribute massively to the grid - with a single turbine generating power for 1500 homes. 76% of the population are not against turbines - so why are they being blocked? Concerns over bird deaths are disproportionate since over 160,000 turbines would be needed to kill the name number as domestic cats annually (RSPB data). In context, this number of turbines would produce 14 times the amount of energy needed by the U.K. every year: over 490GW of energy.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months