This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Prevent ratification of intl trade deals that allow the UK to be sued under ISDS

ISDS clauses allow investors to sue the government for any measures that harm their profits. Stop the ratification of trade deals that include ISDS clauses.

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We are in a critically defining period of the UKs future. One that will be led by Trade Deals being written, negotiated and agreed right now, if Brexit goes ahead.

In this process Liam Fox MP has allowed ISDS clauses to be included in future International Trade Agreements. These will allow investors to sue the UK government for any measures that harm their profits. The future ramifications of this are incalculably bad for the prosperity of the UK.

This petition seeks to stop the UK Government ratifying trade deals that include ISDS clauses that would allow the UK to be sued.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

46 signatures

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