This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Introduce a minimum required level of qualification for music teachers.

There is currently no minimum standard legally required of music teachers.This means that you could end up taking lessons from someone at, say, grade 2 standard who hasn't the faintest idea about musical techniques, let alone teaching ones; the impact on your musical endeavours would be devastating.

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Arguments in favour include that this would:
-Raise the standard of music teaching and musicianship in the UK, ensuring a minimum level of competence.
-Prevent people from wasting their hard-earned money on low-quality services.
-Stop unqualified teachers who charge baseline rates from putting qualified teachers out of business.
-Solve an equity issue, as there are minimum qualification requirements for academic subject teachers.
-Allow for more equal opportunities, as teachers of socially or economically disadvantaged children would be more able to spot and nurture talent.
-Attract more talented individuals to the profession.

I would suggest a minimum requirement for music teachers of grade 8 or equivalent on their instrument(s) and a qualification in teaching.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

103 signatures

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