This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition MPs should not have to take the oath of allegiance to be faithful to the monarch

At the moment members of parliament in London have to take the oath of allegiance to be faithful to the monarchy before they can sit in the house of Commons. This system isn't right because MPs are democratically voted for by people to represent them and the oath of allegiance is not needed.

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The british people have a MP to represent them and I can't see why the MP must take the oath of allegiance to be faithful to the monarchy in order to take their seat and so represent their constituency and constituents interests. As great Britain is a free country then taking the oath should be optional and not compulsory. So the uk government must change the law so that MPs can take their seat in the Commons and they don't have to take the oath of allegiance.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

45 signatures

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