This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Pet Theft Reform: Amend animal welfare law to make pet theft a specific offence.

We propose to amend the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to make pet theft a specific offence, distinct from that of inanimate objects; and in sentencing, the courts must consider the fear, alarm or distress to the pet and owners and not monetary value.

More details

At least 5 dogs are stolen every day in England & Wales. Research by Allen et al (2019) reveals an increase in dog theft crimes, 1,294 in 2015, 1,525 in 2016, 1,678 in 2017; and decrease in court charges related to dog theft crimes, 62 in 2015, 48 in 2016, 37 in 2017.

A strong deterrent is needed. This amendment would ensure on conviction, imprisonment for a term up to 2 years becomes available to courts.

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This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

117,453 signatures

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Parliament debated this topic

This topic was debated on 19 October 2020

Government responded

This response was given on 16 July 2019

Current sentencing guidelines takes account of the emotional distress that the theft of personal items such as a much loved pet can have on victims, and recommend higher penalties for such offences.

Read the response in full

We understand the emotional trauma which the theft of a much loved pet can cause.

The theft of a pet is already a criminal offence under the Theft Act 1968 and the maximum penalty is seven years’ imprisonment. An amendment to the Animal Welfare Act 2006 is not, therefore, necessary.

The investigation of any crime is an operational matter for Police. It is for the Crown Prosecution Service to determine whether an individual should be prosecuted for a crime. If an individual is found guilty, the Courts determine what an appropriate sentence is. It is not clear how introducing a separate specific offence for theft of a pet animal would reduce the numbers of pets stolen.

In February 2016, the Sentencing Council updated its guidelines in relation to sentencing for theft offences. The guidelines take account of the emotional distress, and therefore harm, that the theft of a much beloved pet can have on the victim, and accordingly recommend higher penalties for such offences.

Since 2016, it has been compulsory for all dogs to be microchipped in England and Wales. This means that there is a much better chance that dogs will be returned to their owners. Vets, rehoming centres, and local authority dog wardens, scan dogs as a matter of good practice.

In addition, we encourage owners to take precautions to deter the theft of their dog, such as, where possible, not letting their pet out of sight when it is being exercised; varying their routines when walking their dogs; and not leaving dogs unattended in public places.

For these reasons, with particular attention to the offence being covered by the Theft Act 1968, the Government does not consider it is necessary to introduce a separate, specific, offence of theft, of a pet animal.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

This is a revised response. The Petitions Committee requested a response which more directly addressed the request of the petition. You can find the original response towards the bottom of the petition page (

Original Government response.

Current sentencing guidelines takes account of the emotional distress that the theft of personal items such as a much loved pet can have on victims, and recommend higher penalties for such offences.

We understand the emotional trauma which the theft of a much loved pet can cause.

The theft of a pet is already a criminal offence under the Theft Act 1968 and the maximum penalty is seven years’ imprisonment.

In February 2016, the Sentencing Council updated its guidelines in relation to sentencing for theft offences. The guidelines take account of the emotional distress, and therefore harm, that theft of personal items such as a pet can have on the victim, and accordingly recommends higher penalties for such offences.
All reported crimes should be taken seriously, investigated and, where appropriate, taken through the courts and met with tough sentences.

Since 2016, it was made compulsory for all dogs to be microchipped in England and Wales. This means that there is a much better chance that dogs will be returned to their owners. Vets, re-homing centres and local authority dog wardens scan dogs as a matter of good practice.

In addition we encourage owners to take precautions to deter the theft of their dog, such as where possible not letting their pet out of sight when it is being exercised; varying their routines when walking their dogs and not leaving their dog unattended in public places.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

This response was given on 29 March 2019.The Petitions Committee then requested a revised response, that more directly addressed the request of the petition.

Petitions Committee calls on Government to make pet theft a specific offence

The Petitions Committee has written to Rt Hon Robert Buckland QC MP, Secretary of State for Justice, calling on the Government to make pet theft a specific criminal offence. The Petitions Committee is calling for the Government to ensure the value of pets is fully recognised in the law, and that sentencing options available to the court act as a real deterrent for those who may commit a crime that can have a devastating impact on pet owners and families.

This follows a discussion with Tom Hunt MP, a member of the Petitions Committee, and several petitioners and experts.

Read the letter:

Watch the video of the discussion:

Read the transcript of Tom Hunt MP's discussion with petitioners and experts:

The letter calls for the Government to bring forward legislation, by amending either the Theft Act or the Animal Welfare Act, to supplement existing legislation in place to protect animals. This includes Finn’s Law to ensure service animals are protected and Lucy’s Law to crack down on puppy farming, which both were subjects of successful petitions on the issue.

Petitions Committee disappointed at lack of action from Government on ‘spiralling’ pet theft issue

MPs on Parliament’s Petitions Committee have expressed disappointment at the Government’s response to their call to make pet theft a specific criminal offence, following a virtual discussion with petitioners.

Responding to a letter from Committee Chair Catherine McKinnell MP and Committee member Tom Hunt MP, which urged Ministers to ensure that sentencing options available to courts acted as a real deterrent for those who commit pet theft crimes, the Secretary of State for Justice stated he was satisfied that current laws cover the crime of pet theft.

Read the full letter here:

Read the reaction from Catherine McKinnell and Tom Hunt and find out more about the Committee’s work on this issue here:

Petitions Committee schedules debate on petitions relating to pet theft

The Petitions Committee has scheduled a debate on this petition, and one other relating to pet theft, for Monday 19 October.

Watch the debate live (from 4.30pm, Mon 19 Oct):
Read the transcript (available shortly after the debate concludes):
Background reading:

The debate will last up to 90 minutes, and will be led by Petitions Committee member Tom Hunt MP. MPs from all parties can take part, and a Minister from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs will respond on behalf of the Government.

Due to the suspension of sittings in Westminster Hall, where petitions debates take place, due to Covid-19 it has not been possible to schedule this petition for debate until now.

What are petitions debates?

Petitions debates are ‘general’ debates which allow MPs from all parties to discuss the important issues raised by one or more petitions, and put their concerns to Government Ministers.

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