This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Request an official government (leave or stay) survey for the public on Brexit.

Public opinion has changed over the past couple of years regarding Brexit.
The process of securing a deal is becoming more and more undemocratic, with our voices being lost, the public is being ignored.
If Brexit is still the 'will of the people', then a simple poll can uphold this mandate

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Brexit passed with a very small majority in the referendum of 2016. That is not enough of a mandate for the government to keep going with the brexit process when large numbers of people protest in the street and even larger numbers sign petitions to be heard.
The Government is failing its people, by refusing to listen to what we want. This petition will ask for the government to give us a voice and to listen to what we say.

A survey carried out should be either via post or online.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

14 signatures

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