This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make it illegal for dogs to be used in fox hunting trails and horse riding.

The government put a full ban on fox hunting that has never ever been taken seriously. Still they Hunt and still they use dogs and still the police let them ride. All by using a poor excuse saying “ we are not hunting but following a scent trail” many foxes are still being torn apart by dogs.

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These groups use the excuse it’s an accident when dogs kill foxes but nothing is done about it. If they are not hunting then the run of pack hunting dogs are not needed in there rides. Also more and more dogs are being killed during the rides while chasing foxes across roads which is also endangering the lives of others. There needs to be a full ban put on the use of these dogs. It is blaitent animal abuse on all levels and must be stopped! There is no need for them when horse ridding at all

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

91 signatures

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