This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Introduce a UK Citizen discount to Museums and historical landmarks

The cost of museums and historical landmarks has shot up since international tourism has boomed in the UK. We should introduce a UK citizen discount, especially for children. We shouldn't have to pay so much too learn about our own history.

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Example cost of a family day out to: Windsor Castle £58!
HMS Belfast £46
Portsmouth Historic Dockyard £49.50
Churchill War Rooms: £56
Tower of London £ 62.90!!
Buckingham Palace ~£64!!
Of course many great museums are free and this should stay as it is. However these often have expensive special exhibitions which would set a family back around £50

We owe it to the younger generations to educate them on our great nation and its history, without ripping them off.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

13 signatures

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