This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Prevent schools from confiscating mobile devices for more than a school day.

The Headteacher confiscated our child's phone and held it over the weekend into the school holiday for taking a photograph with their friends! We were powerless to get that phone back. We exhausted every possibility but were turned away from school.

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The Department for Education outlines in section 15 of the “Searching, Screening and confiscation” policy that schools have the right to legally search the content of the phone without the parents/guardians consent. The police should only have this power. They also cannot be held responsible for any damage caused to the phone. They have the power to delete files if they feel necessary. The guidelines are blurry and parents/guardians are helpless! This needs to change!!!

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

21 signatures

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