This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Require bars/restaurants to display how service charges are distributed

Consumers generally believe that the service charge is the same as a tip and goes to the staff.
I would like all bars/restaurants, that charge a service charge, to display in percentage terms, how much actually ends up in their servers pay packet and how much is taken as additional profit.

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Some bars and restaurants will display signs such that '100% service charge is distributed evenly amongst staff' or 'The management take no share of the service charge'.
Signs such as 'Management do not take any of the service charge' doesn't actually mean that the staff get any of it, it could just be taken as profit.
Some places take the service charge to pay for 'runners' or breakages, why should paying customers pay for others meals as well as their own without knowledge!

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

12 signatures

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