This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Labelling of artificial sweetener should be the same as for other allergens
Many people are intolerant to artificial sweeteners in the same manner as other known allergens. Items that you would not expect include artificial sweetener e.g. popcorn, crisps, chewing gum, non diet drinks. When at restaurant it is impossible to purchase without accidentally risking sweeteners.
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Often when buying food or drink it isn't until after purchase that it is clear from packaging that it isn't safe to eat. This doesn't help for items that aren't packaged e.g. fresh food or drink.
Adding artificial sweeteners to the allergen lists will make food and drink manufacturers more accountable and provide shops and restaurants with more awareness over the ingredients in products that pose health problems to their customers.
This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website