This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Stop all privatisation of the DWP

A decent government would make the DWP workable again and reverse all privatisation thus far.
The only reason the DWP is now struggling is that has been deliberately run down as an excuse to farm it out by those and to others who have vested financial interests in seeing it privatised.

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How many DWP Civil Servants are paid between the £37,000 to £40,000 p.a. that private assessors are paid? I bet very few Civil Servants are paid that much. This isn't to mention the much higher pay of the Executives, nor the profits of such companies. How is that financed? By forced weaponised deep poverty, even on those working full time.
STOP the privatisation of the DWP NOW!

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

47 signatures

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