This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition To increase the amount of Examiners and test availability for licences

Driving instructors in the uk are unable to aquire driving tests, specfically DVSA vocational tests for car and trailer (B+E) HGV and PSV Test's, due to extreme lack of availabilty in test centres and specilized test centers nationwide also the lack examiners for these specific vocational tests.

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Vocational tests (B+E, C+E Class 1 and 2, hgv, psv) are even more difficult to acquire due to limited examiner availability, thus a massive impact on training providers and damaging business practise. The specialised government test centres for these tests with a average distance of 30+ miles between these centres. Additional the lack of tests is resulting in more drivers driving the wrong vehicles on roads without a valid licence.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

15 signatures

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