This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Raise bed sore awareness in all A&E Departments to patients, relatives & staff
In Feb 19 a relative was admitted to an A&E Department.She was then left waiting for a bed on a ward for some several hours.During this time she developed a Bed Sore,despite being discharged from hospital for original admission she has been readmitted for further treatment for bed sore.
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This has hampered rehabilition and resulted in a re-admission to hospital involving MRI scan consultants, plastic surgeons tissue viability nurses and an anethnatist as there is now a possibility of surgery; as this has now gone into her spine. This all could have been avoided with a simple poster in each cubicle warning of the dangers of not moving position regularly.We feel that not only the cost to our relatives health but the saving to the NHS would be invaluable.
This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website