This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make Nursing Home fees tax deductable

My mother has advanced dementia and does not qualify for NHS Continuing Health Care. She scored severe for cognitive impairment and cannot walk, talk coherently or feed herself. She has required 24/7 care by qualified nurses or carers for 5 years. She is self-funding in excess of £45,000pa.

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Social care reform is well overdue, the above is a useful 1st stage. The elderly who have worked & saved are penalised more each year. In April 2019 the fees were raised to cover increases in the living wage, employer pension contributions, CQC fees & the cost of implementing GDPR. Which other group of high-dependency infirm directly subsidise their carers costs and ALSO those of people funded by the state ? The winter fuel payment and £10 Christmas bonus are not relevant and should be axed.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

72 signatures

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