This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Adapt planning legislation to require that trees are moved rather than cut down.
Currently developers plant saplings or semi-mature trees to off-set the loss of greenspaces. But these do not offer the same micro-environments as mature trees and we can not afford to wait for saplings to mature to reap the benefits for the climate. We should save as many mature trees as possible.
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Positive results of moving the trees.
More established tree habitat preserved.
Less isolated green spaces.
Reduced local flood risk due to less soil erosion and increased drainage on site.
Larger trees can absorb more carbon dioxide, less illness, less pressure on the NHS.
Mental health benefits of greenspaces.
Will encourage developers to incorporate existing trees, to use brown field sites or redevelop existing sites.
Will boost the tree moving industry and provide jobs nationwide.
This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website