This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Invest in bee sanctuaries around the UK to stop the extinction of bees

We need to stop the decline of the bee population. If bees become extinct humans will suffer. Investing in apiaries around the country and provide fields with plants for them to pollinate and reproduce with other colonies would bring the population back up.

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One third of the bee population in the UK has disappeared over the last decade and 24% of the Europes bees are threatened with extinction. The pollination of flowers will decline rapidly as bees are the main pollinators. Bees need to be protected and this needs to be clear. Most people are unaware of the decline and this needs to change. Providing people with the facts about the rapid decline of bees would make them aware and start acting better towards them.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

16 signatures

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