This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Government to subsidise and promote ebikes. Ecars are, why not ebikes?

Recently I borrowed an ebike from a council scheme. I loved it! Physical constraints limited the amount I could ride, but when I did, I felt mentally and physically lifted. Anything which helps improve physical, mental health, the obesity crisis and reduce pollution is a good thing!
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It's great we can get £3.5k towards an electric car but surely it makes sense that bikes should be encouraged, where safe and practical? The benefits are real, personally and environmentally.

The more people on bikes means less in cars but it would be great if the government would help subsidise ebikes. I know we have the cycle2work scheme but not everyone works, many due to ill-health, not through choice. This is a way of people travelling actively, improving fitness.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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