This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Ban the use of face recognition surveillance by the police or private sectors.

After recently viewing a BBC Click report on how face recognition surveillance is being used I believe it is great cause for concern.
There isn't sufficient laws and regs surrounding this topic so the police, Gov and private sectors have almost total free will on how they use and store our data

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We the public can be uploaded onto national databases with no knowledge of this even being apparent. This is an offence to our personal security and data. One man in London was actually fined 90 pounds! Another member of the public made him aware that the police were using this surveillance on bypassers which they have no right to do. So he hid his face as a result the police bullied him into the corner shouting him down, further taking away this man's rights and liberties.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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