This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Government to set up a new free single tribunal body to replace ineffective ICO

The Information Commission is failing and we need a new free single tribunal body with more powers and a legal duty to obtain all records/evidence in all complaints and the ability to fine across organisations/public bodies if they fail to comply or abuse/breach data law & withhold records.

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I believe the ICO is failing due to the conflict of interests as it is funded by fees from the organisations it is supposed to monitor/investigate. Many people are being left frustrated as under the ICO they still cannot gain access to their records or have their information/data corrected. This failure is enabling organisations/public bodies to conceal their failure/abuse. The government must protect the general public and introduce a new tribunal to hold those who fail to account.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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