This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Allow MEPs elected in May 2019 to sit in the House of Lords post Brexit

The UK is spending over £150 million electing MEP's who may never take up their seats. Reform of the House of Lords has been stalled since 2012 and it remains nondemocratic and unaccountable to the electorate. This is an opportunity to trial an partially elected upper house at no additional cost.

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After leaving the EU the MEP's elected on May 23rd should become member so the House of Lords for the duration of their European Parliament term (5 years). They would have the same voting rights as current peers.

This would have the advantage of increasing the legitimacy of the upper house and giving those who feel their voices are not being heard by the existing parties in the Commons a voice.

After 3 years an impartial review should be carried to recommend the next stage of reform.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

11 signatures

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