This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Require energy companies to gain a majority of energy through renewable sources

Climate change has pushed Earth into "uncharted territory". That was the stark warning published in a World Meteorological Organisation report in March of this year. Rising sea levels, melting arctic ice and record high temperatures are just some of the clear signs.Action needs to be taken.

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Energy companies are part of the problem. In order to have a future, for our next generation to live and strive, to even survive, action needs to be taken. Without laws in place forcing energy companies to gain a majority of energy through renewable sources than non-renewable energy sources that emit greenhouse gases in place the matter is only going to get worse and the problem will be harder to come back on. If something is not done soon then all our lives are at risk.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

53 signatures

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