This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Allow doctors to decide entitlement to pip/dla/carers allowance

PIP and DLA are benefits for disabled people to help with things they need. But many are denied these benefits because assessors don’t give the facts in reports and go against the advice of proper medical specialists.

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Without DLA/PIP no one can gain carers allowance so carers are not recognised and forced out.

Doctors and medical specialists know and see you on a long term basis to help you with the disabilities people have.

But these are overruled as liars by assessors who only see you for about 1 hour.

Doctors and specialists should work together to evaluate if your entitled to pip/dla and report it to dwp to be put straight on.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

103 signatures

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