This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Revoke Article 50 and give us 4 extra bank holidays

Remainer? Brexiteer? Either way, I bet you're bored, right?
It's the one thing that unites us all; a feeling of intense boredom.

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So how about let's scrap it? But let's not have done it all for nothing. Give us 4 bank holidays and we can forget about all this mess and get on with our lives.

The financial damage of Brexit could far outweigh the financial damage of 4 Bank Holidays
Brexit Damage is reported to be 13bn a year
Bank Holidays could cost between 4.8bn - 9.2bn a year

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

20 signatures

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