This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Allow private childcare providers to reclaim the VAT they pay on purchases
Private childcare providers are excempt from VAT meaning that, unlike state funded schools, they are unable to reclaim the VAT they pay on goods & services. Given all the work that the UK's 38,000 private providers do on behalf of the government, we believe they should be zero-rated for VAT
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Compared with the rest of a child's schooling, the public/private split is reversed in early years - almost all families can only access private childcare. Businesses in the childcare sector do more on behalf of the government than any other part of the private sector. We deliver the government's curriculum, provide "free" childcare to boost politicians approval ratings at under-subsidised rates, deliver a public service in terms of child protection, and accept every whim of Ofsted.
This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website