This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Free TV Liscenses for Students:

As the BBC has ended free tv liscenses for the over 75’s it’s time students were alleviated of the expense of a liscnse fee or threat of legal action for if they don’t fork out the £150 a year.

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The BBC and other broadcasters have a huge range of educational programmes that should be freely available to students.
Students moving into halls are greeted with post cards reminding them that the ‘law still applies’, for years wealthy pensioners have gotten full use of the BBC for free. Yet students, not in work are expected to pay.
As more and more students are studying media related subjects and they’re grants are being cut it’s only right that the nations new thinkers get free access to the biggest broadcastsing company in the world.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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