This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Justice & Restoration Of Gyan Godhri Gurdwara Sahib Destroyed in 1984

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We request that the Government pressure the Indian Government to provide justice for Gyan Godhri Gurdwara Sahib & let the Sikh Community restore it to its former glory,by handing back the now occupied land.The ancient Gurdwara which relates to the 1st Sikh Guru in Haridwar was destroyed by Hindu Mobs in 1984 during the anti Sikh Pogroms & Genocide.Since then members of Extreme Hindu Organisations such as the RSS have been occupying the land & have built several illegal structures on the holy shrine & plan to build more.Sikhs have carried out protests in Panjab & Delhi to highlight the issue but to no avail.We as Sikhs in the UK urge our Government to take this issue up with their Indian Counterparts,as it is an issue of great importance to the UK Sikh Community

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

543 signatures
