This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Restore the feed-in tariff for houses generating renewable energy

To many UK households, installing solar panels could only be affordable if they are paid for the electricity they generate and give back to the grid, but this scheme (FITs) is no longer taking applications. We need the feed-in tariff to be restored, and take on as many new households as possible.

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The climate crisis demands that the UK switch over to 100% renewable energy as soon as we can. The justification for ending the FIT is that solar panels are affordable now, but many of us know that is still not true.
Article stating that solar panel installations have fallen 94% in a month -
The IPCC report on climate change states the urgency for change -

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

16 signatures

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