This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Bring back the "Nit Nurse" to UK Schools to reduce the awful Head Lice epidemic

As a parent who checks my own children's hair regularly & always wants what is best for them I find it really tough to deal with the Head Lice epidemic in schools. It's out of control & maybe due to lack of undertanding or other issue some can't deal with them causing the cycle to be constant.

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I have backing of many parents who are in the same boat & can't see their children in tears, heartbroken that even though we treat, we nit comb weekly, we pay for expensive shampoos & treatments, & preventers, & sprays - WE STILL CAN'T CONTROL THE PROBLEM! This is because some need help understading how to treat head lice. Some parents need educating that they even exist. This ignoring the problem is causing the cycle. Bring back "Nitty Nora" as it will help with the problem as well as educate.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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