This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Extend the HM Forces Railcard scheme to include all UK Veterans
For many years now, members of Her Majesty's Armed Forces have enjoyed the benefits of reduced rate rail travel with the HM Forces Railcard. Recently the scheme was extended to include Reservists. This petition is to request that due consideration be given to extending this benefit to Veterans too.
More details
UK Armed Forces Veterans are without doubt a proud bunch of people. We don't really like asking for things but benefits such as railcards and other travel schemes go a long way to helping Veterans with work and social mobility needs. We understand there is a charge for such a railcard and, like our serving counterparts, have no objection to paying for one. It is of course a personal choice for the Veteran concerned.
This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website
Government responded
This response was given on 2 September 2019
Our veterans have demonstrated values, commitment and willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice. They continue to provide a rich contribution to society, which the Government holds in high regard.
The Strategy for our Veterans was jointly published by the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments on 14 November 2018, recognising that Veterans are supported by public services and are integrated into communities across the UK. The Strategy set an enduring Vision and Principles for support to veterans across the UK, and outcomes to be achieved by 2028 for five cross-cutting factors and six key themes to improve the lives of Veterans. The UK Government also published a Consultation Paper that sought public views on how to build upon existing services to inform how the Strategy’s outcomes for 2028 could be implemented across the UK, except for devolved matters in Scotland and Wales. The Scottish and Welsh Governments consulted separately on devolved matters. The responses to all three consultations are now being analysed.
We should be proud of the care, support and respect our society gives to veterans. But there is more to do. In relation to a railcard for our UK Armed Forces Veterans the Government is exploring a number of options to assess viability. The Government recognises the commitment which the Armed Forces Community has made to the country and will continue to strive to look after their best interests.
Ministry of Defence.