This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition recognise attendance rewards as disability discrimination and ban them

Recently one of my three children were rewarded with a trip to the coast - fully funded by the primary school, because she had 99+ attendance - yet my children who both suffer with chronic health conditions - were excluded due to lower attendance.
This is discrimination towards vulnerable children

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Our school have described 99% attendance as a ‘special achievement that deserves reward’
They have also stated that it would be unfair to not reward it just for the sake of upsetting those children who didn’t achieve it.
We have been told we should manage their expectations if we know they won’t achieve high attendance.
They count all illness and medical appointments as absence. Even my child having a life threatening illness was taken off her attendance for the year

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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