This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Change motorbike tests to the old way of taking one test at seventeen years old

I, and countless other young motorcyclists feel that it is unnecessary and discriminative to force motorcyclists to take multiple tests before they are allowed to ride any capacity machine until they are twenty four years old, when you can drive any car at seventeen years old of any power output.

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The majority of motorcycle accidents on public roads are not caused by the power of the motorcycle. Accidents on motorcycles are most commonly caused by bad weather conditions, and many caused by other road users failing to see motorcyclists and causing a collision.
Road accidents are rarely caused by the power of the vehicle, regardless of if it is a car, van or motorbike. Accidents are caused by weather conditions and human error. The amount of tests is clearly discrimination towards bikers.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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