This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Add “Human Impact on Environment” to National Curriculum compulsory subjects

Awareness is a key point when it comes to making long-lasting impact on improving sustainability for the environment. By including this in National Curriculum, the next generation & us would be able to integrate this into the lifestyle.
This is as important as other subjects in National Curriculum.

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Opting for unsustainable materials, overconsumption and throwaway lifestyle are a few examples that have caused pollution, animal harm, shrinking biodiversity and other detrimental effects to the environment. Awareness via education is crucial.

Primary school curriculum focusing on raising awareness & encouraging active thinking about how daily activities impact the environment will aid above.
Secondary schools could develop more technical/scientific and socioeconomic factors on this subject.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

21 signatures

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