This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Allow high courts dispensing powers for informal Wills, Wills are intentions!

Currently there is no fair trial available for the deceased informal Wills/codicils, the Wills act strict execution requirements mean errors are terminal to that Will/Codicil, we propose that where evidence is available, courts should have the power to judge on the true intention of the deceased

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Law Commission stated in 2017 that dispensing powers for high courts to judge the true intentions of a informal Will is one of their reform suggestions.
The Law Society in 2017 provisionally agreed to dispensing powers for high courts.
2019 the Law Commission paused the final stage of their Wills project that would give justice to informal Wills.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

69 signatures

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