This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Fund an information campaign about incontinence and the importance of treatment.

Incontinence is common, but not normal! Current advertising campaigns that sell incontinence products simplify and normalise Incontinence. Normalisation of incontinence stops people seeking assessment and treatment and they remain incontinent when their symptoms could have been treated or cured.

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Incontinence is a medical symptom and can occur as a result of illness or bodily dysfunction. The apparent absence of treatment, due to advertising’s normalisation, results in people unnecessarily wetting themselves, adding unnecessary strain to health and social care systems and the longer incontinence continues, the greater the risk to health and well-being. 70% of people presenting with bladder or bowel symptoms respond to treatment, yet only 25% of people with symptoms seek medical advice.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

90 signatures

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