This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Increase funding to North Yorkshire’s schools and Children’s Services!

Government funding for education is simply not enough to meet need in North Yorkshire. Schools are being forced to reduce staff, resources and facilities and still face growing debts. We want the Treasury and Department for Education to properly fund our county. Our children deserve a fair chance!

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The government’s funding formula is unfair. North Yorkshire currently ranks 129th out of 149 local authorities for the money it gets. North Yorkshire’s High Needs Budget in particular is in crisis. This means children with special needs are suffering more than most. Vital services have such severe funding shortages that they are having to dramatically reduce what they offer or cease operating entirely. Our most vulnerable deserve better. We demand fair funding!

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

141 signatures

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