This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Remove VAT from Bio-Pesticides.

If the government removed VAT from Bio Pesticides then it would help to encourage farmers to use them rather than the hazardous chemicals which are used most often. This would result in less dangerous chemicals being released into the atmosphere, and into our food chain.

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Pesticides are primarily used by farmers to protect their crops from creatures such as insects. They are supposedly used to help food production, however, there are still traces of these harmful chemicals on the foods we eat everyday, from supermarkets, market stalls and even school canteens. Research suggests that long term exposure to pesticides can eventually lead to Parkinson’s disease, depression, cancer and even death. They have also played a huge part in the recent bee decline, and are constantly effecting our environment.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

13 signatures

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