This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Re-Nationalise the railways to stop extortionate train fares.

Rail fares have been increasing more and more each year. Now we see a rise in rail fares yet a fall in fuel prices. This is completely ridicules and shows how the privatisation of the railways have lead greedy corporations to abuse our public good. We must put railways back into state hands.

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The 2.8% figure will be the maximum rise to regulated fares, which account for about half of all rail journeys. This is happening while the price of fuel decreases per litre. Britain's rail fares have grown quicker than wages with little improvements to the services themselves. The UK and world is now facing an environmental disaster, the fact that travelling by plane across the UK is cheaper than trains is unethical and illogical. Nationalisation will restore the railway system and our country.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

21 signatures

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