This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Allow ambulances to use all bus lanes at any time

Ambulances are there to transfer patients to a hospital for a life threatening event or an app , The vehicle can not attend another life threatening event unit the 1st patient is taken safely to the hospital, if the ambulance is sitting in traffic the patients health may take a turn of the worst

More details

"Thousands die from ambulance delays
by PAUL KENDALL, Daily Mail
Thousands of people are dying because ambulances take too long
Experts say that 3,000 more heart attack victims could be saved avoiding delays and that include traffic.
The Patients' Association said: 'This is very worrying. When you call 999 from a road traffic accident, for example, you want the ambulance to turn up straight away."

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

64 signatures

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